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It Takes a Village
We appreciate the employees and companies who help us to accomplish our mission. A special thank you to Ag Central Co-Op and its employees! Gabe B is always there when it's time to load up the kennels and help us manage to fit them in Rusty's truck!

Cold Days, Warm Houses
We work year-round to provide shelter for outdoor dogs in need. Insulation installed under the floor and the addition of straw inside and outside the house will help keep this dog warm in winter and cool in summer.

Event Table
Our last Pre-Covid event was at the 2019 Howloween in Knoxville, TN. We look forward to the day we can all get back outside and meet in person. Till then, #wearamask and stay safe.

From a Place of Love
Everything we do starts with our love of animals and a desire to help the ones whose shelter may be legal, but not adequate. Our goal is to make their lives better so both they and we sleep better at night.

Girls With Tools
We'll never forget our first doghouse build in October 2019. Our crew was a Girl Scout troop with a can-do attitude.

Here to Help
We love how our clients thank us for their new houses and chain-free enclosures with cuddles and licks.

Monthly Meeting
Our board meets every month to discuss progress, needs and concerns about animal welfare in Blount County TN. Our first meetings were held at the Humane Society of East Tennessee. Thanks, HSET! For now, we hold our meetings socially-distanced outdoors when possible, on Zoom if not.

Naked Doghouses
Our dog houses have insulation under the floor and caulking on all seams to keep out drafts and moisture, which you can see if you look inside these. All they need is a couple of coats of paint and a stencil on the roof, and they will be ready to deliver.

Neither Rain nor Sleet....
While digging post holes on a rainy Spring day can be messy, it also assures soft ground. These guys are our heroes!

Off the Chain
This is why we do it...and we can always tell from Charles' face how much he loves removing the chain from a dog who now has an enclosure to run around in!

Our Volunteers Rock
It takes a lot of helping hands to do what is needed. We are fortunate to have so many happy helpers!

Trailer for 2
Sometimes we need a long trailer, but other times a small trailer or the back of a pickup is all we need to get doghouses where they are needed.

We Love our Clients
We are all dog lovers, and getting to know the dogs we help and knowing that they have a comfortable shelter, secured from the weather is why we do what we do.

Yes, We Have a Plan
Our doghouse plans were developed by HOWS, Houses of Wood and Straw, in the Charlottesville, VA area. You can visit their website. We would love to see more like-minded groups start doing this life-saving work.
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