What your donations pay for
buys a 5-panel kennel to get a dog off the chain
gets a dog a sturdy insulated wood doghouse
spays or neuters one dog
pays for vaccines and vetting for one dog.

...their love is unconditional
•We are an all-volunteer 501c3 nonprofit organization in Blount County TN created by local shelter and rescue workers who saw a population of pets in our community who were suffering due to inadequate shelter or being chained because they did not have enclosures.
•Our goal is to improve their lives..
•We build and distribute dog houses and erect enclosures to end chaining of outdoor dogs.
•We provide spay/neuter and other medical services to client animals.
•We promote the establishment and enforcement of animal welfare laws that protect companion animals from cruelty and neglect.
•Help us help them
Blount County Animal Welfare Society
BCAWS | Maryville, TN, United States

Why we do what we do.
We help the In-Between dogs.
Somewhere between the pampered pooches who spend most of their day indoors and have access to grassy lawns ... and the neglected, endangered dogs who need to be removed entirely ... are the IN-BETWEEN DOGS.
Their living conditions are not optimal, but do not break local ordinances. Their owners care about their pets, and are willing to accept help. That's where BCAWS steps in.
We see dogs living in mud or with inadequate shelter and say, can we help? We see dogs that haven't been spayed or neutered or had their annual vaccines and say, can we help? We see dogs living their days tied up and ask, can we help get your dog off the chain?
We see seemingly hopeless situations and say, WE CAN HELP.

Bravo to Kristin Baksa who runs a new nonprofit called BCAWS (Blount County Animal Welfare Society) whose mission is to help pet owners take better care of their pets. Can’t afford a decent dog house? They’ll build you one. Need fencing for your yard? They can help. Having second thoughts about the whole pet enterprise? They’ll work to find Rover a new owner.
Pet owners sometimes forget what it’s like to be chained outside. In the elements. On a tether. Kristin and her team can help you be a better pet owner.
We have learned in recent years that many animals have DNA that is nearly identical to our own. Yet some of us still fail to see the common bond in another living being’s eyes. They hunger. They thirst. Feel anger, sadness, joy and pain. They are living, sentient beings. All God’s creatures.
After an animal becomes a client of BCAWS, we keep in touch, and along with shelter, medical needs such as spay/neuter, yearly vaccinations, and heartworm prevention, we help pet owners keep their pets with them by making sure they have adequate food and helping where needed. Help us help them by donating supplies through Chewy.com.
If only trees could talk...
Shared by a volunteer after helping remove this dead tree to make room for a new dog kennel:
"How many years of endlessly circling the tree on a heavy logging chain did it take the poor dog to kill the dogwood? What became of the dog? It's a sad tale for dog and tree. If only trees could talk... "

After an animal becomes a client of BCAWS, we keep in touch, and along with shelter, medical needs such as spay/neuter, yearly vaccinations, and heartworm prevention, we help pet owners keep their pets with them by making sure they have adequate food and helping where needed. Help us help them by donating supplies through Chewy.com.